Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


banyak orang yang bilang kalo cinta itu sulit buat ditebak dan dimengerti,sama hal nya sama gue,kadang disaat cinta itu ada dan datang gue malah menghindar, dan disaat cinta itu pergi gue malah kebingungan sendiri. "Terbiasa" mungkin itu kata yang paling cocok untuk gue, selama ini gue cuma punya satu pegangan dalam kamus kehidupan cinta gue " yang pergi biarin aja pergi,karena gue udah terbiasa untuk sendiri". Nggak selamanya gue ngerasa seneng sendirian, ada kalanya gue butuh sandaran untuk tempat gue berbagi cerita, berbagi apa aja yang gue suka, nangis, ketawa, semua yang bisa dilakuin berdua, kadang gue suka iri, kenapa sih mereka bisa tapi gue nggak? 

banyak cowok yang lalu-lalang dikehidupan gue, dari semua itu cuma beberapa aja yang berhasil, gue mau..mauuuu banget punya pacar satu dan bisa gue jadiin temen hidup gue sampe gue tua nanti, nggak ketemu atau belom ketemu itu cuma masalah waktu. 

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011


I want you to be the person whom I can talk to right now
I need you to listen to my story
I don't wanna have a conversation with my own self
No, I don't want a monologue

I know that you're busy
I know that I'm kinda selfish 
I know, I knew it, I can feel it

Ah crap why do woman have this sensitive feeling while man are not sensitive?
I think I gotta get my self into the dream world so that I can think much clearer 

Good night monsters, ciao!

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

watch it

Rabu, 22 September 2010

first day

hello,welcome to Londooon! This is my first time in oxford,so it feels like i'm gonna homesick and miss everything about Indonesia :'(( feel so sad! I miss my boyfriend Bonni Agung Putra .aaaaaaah i wanna go back! please this is just not 3 weeks again but 9 months! how could I to be tough! aaaah i have a chinese room mate,she is veru very kind,she is 19 years old.it's cold and windy here!huaaaaaaah i'm gonna miss Indonesia so much! :'((

Jumat, 17 September 2010

let's answer

free for copying. but remember,i swear i will kill you if you copy my answer! don't be a cheated! hahaha

9 Currents
Current Feeling -- happy - sad - happy - hmm i don't after this 
Current Drink -- mineral water
Current Time -- 09 : 15
Current Show on TV -- i don't watch anything right now
Current Mobile use -- blackberry and nokia
Current Windows -- windows 7
Current Underwear -- what the hell! please,ask me another question!
Current Clothes -- now,i'll confess i'm just wearing the underwear (enough?) 

Current Thought -- i'll go to london on tuesday? thanks it's sucks
8 Firsts
First Nickname -- diella
First Kiss -- hahaha please don't ask this question! you know what? i really hate my first kiss memories!
First Crush -- temen hmmm sd
First Best Friend -- bagas and alia
First Job -- i'm a student
First Toy -- boneka kesayangan gue namanya dessy,okay mungkin dia satu2 nya boneka cewek yang rambutnya jabrik dan dekil yang pernah gue punya,tapi percaya atau nggak? dulu nih boneka selalu gue bawa kemana-mana -,-
First Pet -- burung Beo bernama sasu. skrg udh gatau dimana :'(

7 Lasts
Last Drink -- air putih dingin
Last Kiss -- hah...with my boyfriend on...(sorry i forgot) ckck
Last Meal -- chocolate muffin from holland bakery
Last Web Site Visited -- facebook & twitter
Last Movie Watched -- street dance with 3 others
Last Phone Call -- my boyfriend yeaaay, cups cups :*
Last TV show Watched -- family 100
6 Have You Ever...
Have You Ever Broken the Law -- terlalu sering dan sering sampe akhirnya udh jadi kebiasaan ckck
Have You Ever Been Drunk -- NEVER!!!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone Something You Didn't Know -- NO!
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire -- jangan sampe deh
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped -- NEVER!
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart -- i've ever (huaaah maaf ya yang pernah gue giniin,nggak maksud kok :)) )
Have You Ever Been Broken Hearted -- absolutely YES! 

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now -- ne-yo : never knew I needed
Things On Your Bed -- bantal,echa si boneka ungu gue,selimut,guling
Things You Ate Today -- gue belom makan apa-apa masih pagi nih
Things You Can't Live Without -- laptop dengan internet connection, hand phone
Things You Do When You Are Bored -- smoking,chatiing,live webcame,read a novel,call someone even i know it was midnight hahaha (really bad girl)

4 Places You Have Been Today-- HOME!
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now -- my pocket, my painting picture for someone, desk lamp
2 Choices -- i just want to meet my friends and hug them,because i know i'll go aboard for a long time,so it feels like i never know about their stories after this :'(
1 Place You Want To Visit -- ALEXANDRIA and Egypt! i don't know how,i really wanna go there right now! oh gosh! please please please,i love that place! 

Senin, 13 September 2010

photo session by ghiaia

i found him! (finally)

akhirnya setelah sekian lama menunggu, gue tersadar akan satu hal : kalo ternyata, kita nggak perlu mencari apa yang harusnya nggak bisa kita dapetin, dan harus bisa menghargai apa yang udah ada dan jelas-jelas nyata didepan mata kita, setelah setaun lebih sendirian alias (JOMBLO) akhirnya gue menemukan : BONNI AGUNG PUTRA hahahaha, dulu gue sering banget ngerasa : hello,apa kabar ya sayang? udah lama nggak ngerasain yang namanya sayang, tapi pas ada dia,waktu gue kenal bonni, gue mulai sedikit ngerti kalo ternyata sayang itu ada dideket gue,makasih yaAllaah aah aku sayang Bonni :)) ini dia nih cowok gue, 

ganteng kaaaaaan? hehehehe,gatau kenapa,gue selalu suka liat dia pake baju sekolah,baju SMA,baju putih abu-abu hehehe,keliatan macho gimana gitu ckck (okeoke udah udah stop!) gue jadian tanggal 31agustus2010 tapi berhubung bingung gimana mau ngerayain anniversary nya,akhirnya gue sepakat jadian tanggal 01 sept 2010. do'ain langgeng ya :*

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

do you wanna see my craziest friend? this is the picture of us :


there's no something special today, but i decided to create something in my mind. do you know? maybe,i ready to get married with someone who really I love,but i'm still 18 years old.so??? i just wanna live happily ever after with my future husband, have twins kid,and than i'll try to be the best for them,ya ya..best mommy and wife that they ever had! that's simply makes my mind full of dreams,but i realize that..i will finished my education and than working,after that... I'LL MARRY WITH MY FUTURE HUSBAND! lovely right!??? hehehehe,so i made this list :

beside that,i just really want to be a good girl. stop smoking.and then doing prayer all the time.sometimes we have to take our responsibility as a human that created by GOD! so..i just thinking 1 thousand times,that : "I'LL STOP SMOKING,I PROMISE!" :)) let me do it! i wish you pray the best for me,thanks guuuuuys.i love yaa'

hugs and kisses,
diella yasmine

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

he to the lo

haloooo! akhirnya ngeblog lagi ya hehe,karena hari ini lagi mencoba untuk make-up dengan warna baru,hasilnya jadi seperti ini : 

perpaduan warnanya simple kok,cuma eye-shadow warna pink sama merah ditambah warna putih untuk highlighting hehehe kewl kaaaan ckck,eh iya gue ngeblog sambil ditemenin sama lagunya adele : make you feel my love - i feel so blue,wanna cry too huhu :(( lagu ini gue puter berkali-kali loh hahaha enak soalnya ckck! thanks ya jooy :)

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


banyak orang yang bilang kalo cinta itu sulit buat ditebak dan dimengerti,sama hal nya sama gue,kadang disaat cinta itu ada dan datang gue malah menghindar, dan disaat cinta itu pergi gue malah kebingungan sendiri. "Terbiasa" mungkin itu kata yang paling cocok untuk gue, selama ini gue cuma punya satu pegangan dalam kamus kehidupan cinta gue " yang pergi biarin aja pergi,karena gue udah terbiasa untuk sendiri". Nggak selamanya gue ngerasa seneng sendirian, ada kalanya gue butuh sandaran untuk tempat gue berbagi cerita, berbagi apa aja yang gue suka, nangis, ketawa, semua yang bisa dilakuin berdua, kadang gue suka iri, kenapa sih mereka bisa tapi gue nggak? 

banyak cowok yang lalu-lalang dikehidupan gue, dari semua itu cuma beberapa aja yang berhasil, gue mau..mauuuu banget punya pacar satu dan bisa gue jadiin temen hidup gue sampe gue tua nanti, nggak ketemu atau belom ketemu itu cuma masalah waktu. 

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011


I want you to be the person whom I can talk to right now
I need you to listen to my story
I don't wanna have a conversation with my own self
No, I don't want a monologue

I know that you're busy
I know that I'm kinda selfish 
I know, I knew it, I can feel it

Ah crap why do woman have this sensitive feeling while man are not sensitive?
I think I gotta get my self into the dream world so that I can think much clearer 

Good night monsters, ciao!

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

watch it

Rabu, 22 September 2010

first day

hello,welcome to Londooon! This is my first time in oxford,so it feels like i'm gonna homesick and miss everything about Indonesia :'(( feel so sad! I miss my boyfriend Bonni Agung Putra .aaaaaaah i wanna go back! please this is just not 3 weeks again but 9 months! how could I to be tough! aaaah i have a chinese room mate,she is veru very kind,she is 19 years old.it's cold and windy here!huaaaaaaah i'm gonna miss Indonesia so much! :'((

Jumat, 17 September 2010

let's answer

free for copying. but remember,i swear i will kill you if you copy my answer! don't be a cheated! hahaha

9 Currents
Current Feeling -- happy - sad - happy - hmm i don't after this 
Current Drink -- mineral water
Current Time -- 09 : 15
Current Show on TV -- i don't watch anything right now
Current Mobile use -- blackberry and nokia
Current Windows -- windows 7
Current Underwear -- what the hell! please,ask me another question!
Current Clothes -- now,i'll confess i'm just wearing the underwear (enough?) 

Current Thought -- i'll go to london on tuesday? thanks it's sucks
8 Firsts
First Nickname -- diella
First Kiss -- hahaha please don't ask this question! you know what? i really hate my first kiss memories!
First Crush -- temen hmmm sd
First Best Friend -- bagas and alia
First Job -- i'm a student
First Toy -- boneka kesayangan gue namanya dessy,okay mungkin dia satu2 nya boneka cewek yang rambutnya jabrik dan dekil yang pernah gue punya,tapi percaya atau nggak? dulu nih boneka selalu gue bawa kemana-mana -,-
First Pet -- burung Beo bernama sasu. skrg udh gatau dimana :'(

7 Lasts
Last Drink -- air putih dingin
Last Kiss -- hah...with my boyfriend on...(sorry i forgot) ckck
Last Meal -- chocolate muffin from holland bakery
Last Web Site Visited -- facebook & twitter
Last Movie Watched -- street dance with 3 others
Last Phone Call -- my boyfriend yeaaay, cups cups :*
Last TV show Watched -- family 100
6 Have You Ever...
Have You Ever Broken the Law -- terlalu sering dan sering sampe akhirnya udh jadi kebiasaan ckck
Have You Ever Been Drunk -- NEVER!!!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone Something You Didn't Know -- NO!
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire -- jangan sampe deh
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped -- NEVER!
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart -- i've ever (huaaah maaf ya yang pernah gue giniin,nggak maksud kok :)) )
Have You Ever Been Broken Hearted -- absolutely YES! 

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now -- ne-yo : never knew I needed
Things On Your Bed -- bantal,echa si boneka ungu gue,selimut,guling
Things You Ate Today -- gue belom makan apa-apa masih pagi nih
Things You Can't Live Without -- laptop dengan internet connection, hand phone
Things You Do When You Are Bored -- smoking,chatiing,live webcame,read a novel,call someone even i know it was midnight hahaha (really bad girl)

4 Places You Have Been Today-- HOME!
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now -- my pocket, my painting picture for someone, desk lamp
2 Choices -- i just want to meet my friends and hug them,because i know i'll go aboard for a long time,so it feels like i never know about their stories after this :'(
1 Place You Want To Visit -- ALEXANDRIA and Egypt! i don't know how,i really wanna go there right now! oh gosh! please please please,i love that place! 

Senin, 13 September 2010

photo session by ghiaia

i found him! (finally)

akhirnya setelah sekian lama menunggu, gue tersadar akan satu hal : kalo ternyata, kita nggak perlu mencari apa yang harusnya nggak bisa kita dapetin, dan harus bisa menghargai apa yang udah ada dan jelas-jelas nyata didepan mata kita, setelah setaun lebih sendirian alias (JOMBLO) akhirnya gue menemukan : BONNI AGUNG PUTRA hahahaha, dulu gue sering banget ngerasa : hello,apa kabar ya sayang? udah lama nggak ngerasain yang namanya sayang, tapi pas ada dia,waktu gue kenal bonni, gue mulai sedikit ngerti kalo ternyata sayang itu ada dideket gue,makasih yaAllaah aah aku sayang Bonni :)) ini dia nih cowok gue, 

ganteng kaaaaaan? hehehehe,gatau kenapa,gue selalu suka liat dia pake baju sekolah,baju SMA,baju putih abu-abu hehehe,keliatan macho gimana gitu ckck (okeoke udah udah stop!) gue jadian tanggal 31agustus2010 tapi berhubung bingung gimana mau ngerayain anniversary nya,akhirnya gue sepakat jadian tanggal 01 sept 2010. do'ain langgeng ya :*

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

do you wanna see my craziest friend? this is the picture of us :


there's no something special today, but i decided to create something in my mind. do you know? maybe,i ready to get married with someone who really I love,but i'm still 18 years old.so??? i just wanna live happily ever after with my future husband, have twins kid,and than i'll try to be the best for them,ya ya..best mommy and wife that they ever had! that's simply makes my mind full of dreams,but i realize that..i will finished my education and than working,after that... I'LL MARRY WITH MY FUTURE HUSBAND! lovely right!??? hehehehe,so i made this list :

beside that,i just really want to be a good girl. stop smoking.and then doing prayer all the time.sometimes we have to take our responsibility as a human that created by GOD! so..i just thinking 1 thousand times,that : "I'LL STOP SMOKING,I PROMISE!" :)) let me do it! i wish you pray the best for me,thanks guuuuuys.i love yaa'

hugs and kisses,
diella yasmine

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

he to the lo

haloooo! akhirnya ngeblog lagi ya hehe,karena hari ini lagi mencoba untuk make-up dengan warna baru,hasilnya jadi seperti ini : 

perpaduan warnanya simple kok,cuma eye-shadow warna pink sama merah ditambah warna putih untuk highlighting hehehe kewl kaaaan ckck,eh iya gue ngeblog sambil ditemenin sama lagunya adele : make you feel my love - i feel so blue,wanna cry too huhu :(( lagu ini gue puter berkali-kali loh hahaha enak soalnya ckck! thanks ya jooy :)